From Mother Plants to Final Product . Production of Olive Plants PHYTOGONIA is a plant nursery business specialized in olive tree propagation. since 2002 300.000 plants annual production VARIETIES TABLE VARIETIES OIL PRODUCING DUAL PURPOSE ROOT STOOK ORNEMENTAL MORE PROTECTED VARIETIES Arbosana IRTA i-43® – Virgin oil characterized by a sharp fruitiness coupled to leaves and Koroneiki clone IRTA-i·38® – Sharp virgin oil characterized by a green fruitiness and many secondary Arbequina clone IRTA-i·18® – Virgin oil characterized by its perfect balance with a clear fruitiness MORE PHYTOGONIAContact Person: Ms. PARASKEVA Katerina Akropotamos, Kavala64008Tel: +30 25920-44600 Newsletter Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: